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eNews For The Week of September 19, 2021

09.19.21 | News | by Site Admin

    eNews For The Week of September 19, 2021

    Sunday's Bulletin

    The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

    At 10:00am EDT in the Nave, there will be In-Person
    Holy Eucharist on Sunday, September 19th.

     Changes to the Liturgy
    You will notice some changes to the liturgy this morning, which will continue for a while. The reason for these changes is to shorten the service during the recent resurgence of the virus. In her recent video about the virus the Bishop, in consultation with the Health Advisory Panel, has suggested limiting the length of Sunday morning services to 30-40 minutes. As part of this music and especially singing are to be limited as well. I will say a bit more about this on Sunday.
    New In-Person Worship Guidelines

    Due to a resurgence of COVID-19 in the Danville/Pittsylvania County area Epiphany has re-implemented certain guidelines for in-person worship.

    Click HERE to view the new Guidelines.
     Please join us for Coffee Hour outside today after the service.

     eNews and Newsletter Deadline:
    In an effort to improve our eNews we need to reimplement a deadline each week for eNews items. The deadline is Wednesday's at noon emailed to Please be concise, about 50 words or fewer or about 4 to 5 lines. If you may need more space than that, please contact Jennifer before the deadline so that we can work together on a satisfactory solution.

    Calling all musicians!  

    Until we know whether or not we got an H1B Visa we are looking for a musician (or musicians) to play on Sunday mornings.  If you know someone who is willing to play,
    please have them contact Carole Holland at 
     or her cell, (434) 203-0852.

    Sacred Grounds Coffee House
    Coming as soon as COVID 19 quiets down. Hopefully soon!
    Mid-Week Holy Eucharist Reboot
    Coming back as soon as COVID 19 will allow
    The in-person Crop Walk is Sunday, October 3rd at 3:00 pm. Epiphany needs walkers, donations, and  volunteers to hand out water and direct participants to use our bathroom facilities. If you are interested please contact Evie at 434-489-6736 or Laura at 434-770-8367. Be sure to listen during this Sunday’s service for more information about this important community event.

    Ushers/Greeters Still Needed
    Start Sunday mornings off right by greeting your fellow parishioners and visitors as they arrive. We still need more of you to complete this critical ministry team. No prior experience is necessary, but if you have been an usher/greeter previously please do sign up.

    A link to the online sign-up sheet is here: Usher / Greeter Team

    *Usher/Greeters will serve in pairs each Sunday and will do what ushers have always done - greet people as they arrive, hand out bulletins, count heads, pass the plates, and generally be available to assist.

    * There will be training for the usher/greeter team that will be fun, informative and ongoing.

    Giving Made Easy

    We are now accepting donations and pledge payments via the online platform, click the Give button below to pay your pledge or make a donation.


    This Week At Epiphany
    • Tuesday 9/21: 5:00pm Disciple’s Dinner.
    • Tuesday 9/21: No Centering Prayer until further notice.
    • Thursday 9/23: 12:00pm Disciple’s Lunch.
    • Sunday 9/26: 10:00am Holy Eucharist In-Person & via Zoom.
    Details for all Zoom events can be found HERE
    Birthdays this week: Austin Gregory (20th), Jessie Riley (21st), Chip Hayes (24th), Peter Moore (24th), and Jennifer Hooper (25th).

    Birthday Prayer
    Watch over your servants
    Austin, Jessie, Chip, Peter, and Jennifer O Lord as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their heart may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their live, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Anniversaries this week: None

    Anniversary Prayer
    Gracious God, we lift up your servants (N. and N.) to you in thanks for your love. Guide them as they grow and surround them with your grace, that they may walk close to you and to each other always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Parish Prayer List:
    We are in the process of rebuilding the parish prayer list and we need your help. If you would like the name of a loved one placed on the parish prayer list and listed each week in the eNews please reply directly to this email. You may also call or text Fr. Jon at (434) 710-1933.

    This week we pray for:
    Ken Miller, Drue Anderson, Geneva Myers, Marie McKenzie, Pei-Yi Ho & Epiphany (H1B Visa), Jesse Riley, and Todd Miller.