eNews For The Week of October 17, 2021
The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
At 10:00am EDT in the Nave, there will be In-Person
Holy Eucharist on Sunday, October 17th.
(bring your photo)
Last year was the first year Epiphany had an Ofrenda in honor of loved ones who have passed away. It was wonderful. This year our Ofrenda will be in place on Sunday October 31st - the closest Sunday to All Souls Day.
Please bring your photo(s) to church on Sunday October 24th or to the office by Wednesday October 27th. A framed photo (up to 8 x 10) is ideal, but unframed snapshots are great too. Please be sure to label your photo with the person’s name, relationship to you and when they passed away. You may also bring a photo(s) of a beloved pet, which will be placed on a separate altar.
Please let Jennifer know if you’re able to help.
Thank you and bless you,
CROP Walk Thank You
Eleven members and friends of Epiphany walked in the annual CROP Walk Sunday, October 3. Thanks to our intrepid walkers--Rose Beaver, David Hammack, Pei Yi Ho, Allen Riley, Jessie Riley, Laura Sadler, Keith Silverman and Harvest (the beagle), Hollis Stauber, Corliss Williams, and 2 friends of the church for helping to make CROP Walk 2021 such a fun experience.
It was a rather warm Sunday when walkers made their way from Ballou Park to Epiphany and many were in need of water, snacks, and a restroom break. Thanks to Jon Anderson, Jay Hopkins, Randy McDaniel, Kathy McDaniel, Kay Trakas, Wanda Vaughan, and Jennifer White for distributing water and snacks, handing out facial masks, and guiding walkers to the restrooms.
The Walk is an annual fundraising event benefiting Church World Service with a portion of the proceeds going to God’s Storehouse, our local food bank. A huge thank you to Evie Jackson for serving as treasurer of the area Crop Walk. Our members and friends continue to give generously to this worthwhile fundraiser. Way to go Epiphany!
Epiphany is collecting bags of individually wrapped chocolate candy, gum, suckers, sweet tarts, etc. for the Market Monster Mash Trunk-or-Treat to be held at the Community Market on Sunday, October 31. Epiphany will host a trunk at the event and will need about 3,000 individually wrapped pieces of candy to ensure enough for each child who passes through. There will be candy collection boxes located in the Narthex and at the Jefferson Street entrance to collect your donations. We will be collecting from September 26 through October 31. For more information you may contact David Hammack at 434-250-2344 or
Laura Sadler at 434-770-8367.
This week we will again sing the Entrance Hymn and the Post-Communion Hymn. Pei-Yi will also play a brief Prelude and Postlude.
We continue to try to keep the length of the liturgy to between 30-40 minutes in order to limit our collective potential exposure to the Delta variant of COVID. This has been recommended by the Diocese even for those who have been vaccinated and when we are wearing masks.
that Fr. Jon will be away at the end of the month attending the Diocesan Clergy Conference at Chanco Camp on the James River, Monday October 25th - Wednesday October 27th.
We are beginning to expand the use of the church database. As we do this some of you will begin to receive automated email reminders about various ministries for which you have signed up. Please bear with us as we fine tune this module of the database. If you have questions please contact Fr. Jon or Jennifer Hooper.
Coming as soon as COVID 19 quiets down. Hopefully soon!
We are now accepting donations and pledge payments via the online platform Tithe.ly, click the Give button below to pay your pledge or make a donation.
- Tuesday 10/19: 5:00pm Disciple’s Dinner.
- Tuesday 10/19: No Centering Prayer until further notice.
- Thursday 10/21: 12:00pm Disciple’s Lunch.
- Sunday 10/24: 10:00am Holy Eucharist In-Person & via Zoom.
Birthday Prayer
Watch over your servants Grace and Carolyn O Lord as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their heart may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their live, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Anniversaries this week: Dillon and Carol Barnett
Anniversary Prayer
Gracious God, we lift up your servants Dillon and Carol to you in thanks for your love. Guide them as they grow and surround them with your grace, that they may walk close to you and to each other always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Parish Prayer List:
As you know we’ve been in the process of rebuilding the parish prayer list for some time now. As of this week there’s a new way for you to do this.
As always you may also call or text Fr. Jon at (434) 710-1933.
This week we pray for:
Jo Ann Evans, Vicki Montgomery, Phil Hasselvander, Ken Miller, Drue Anderson, Geneva Myers, Marie McKenzie, Todd Miller and Trina Payne.