eNews For The Week of July 18, 2021
The Optional Practical Training extension of Pei-Yi’s student visa has expired. As you will recall, we were not able to secure a lottery based H1B Visa this past spring. We are in the process of applying for a non-lottery based H1B Visa but that process is not complete. Until this week there was some thought that Pei-Yi might be able to “volunteer” until an H1B is secured. However, based on a careful reading of the how that might work this is not a prudent option. So this Sunday and likely a few more Pei-Yi will be unable to play the organ. We have reached out to the “supply” organists that we know and hope that we may be able to have one of them play soon. Until then please do continue to participate in Sunday services as you have been. There is obviously a great deal more detail to this than these few lines permit so if you have questions please speak with Fr. Jon by this Sunday.
Coffee Hour Returns
Plan to stay for a hot minute after church this week.
Main Street, weather permitting.
Beginning Wednesday August 25th there will be a new opportunity to gather socially during the week. Sacred Grounds Coffee House will be open Wednesdays from 10:00am - 12:00pm in the Parlor. Come at ten o’clock and stay till noon or drop by for a just bit. The coffee (decaf too) or tea is free, the conversation priceless and enlightening.
For any congregation to function well it needs the active participation (aka ministry) of lots of the folks who consider themselves to be members of the church. In this regard, as we come out of the pandemic, Epiphany needs your help to become the parish that you say you want it to be.
At this time we are focusing our efforts on four key lay ministries and we still need folks to sign-up for three of those: the Newcomers Team, rebuilding the Usher/Greeter Team and rebuilding the Lay Reader Team. Each of these ministry areas is critical to building and maintaining a healthy parish.
Newcomers Team:
A link to the online sign-up sheet is here: Newcomer Team
Epiphany, like any church, needs a steady stream of new members to survive and thrive and this team will be critical to helping newcomers find their way into the Epiphany family. The Newcomers Team members will be “on duty” in pairs each Sunday to provide an extra warm welcome to visitors. They will then follow-up with visitors to invite them to visit again and to be a point of contact and a familiar face when they do.
Usher/Greeter Team:
A link to the online sign-up sheet is here: Usher / Greeter Team
Usher/Greeters will serve in pairs each Sunday and will do what ushers have always done - greet people as they arrive, hand out bulletins, count heads, pass the plates, and generally be available to assist.
Lay Reader Team:
A link to the online sign-up sheet is here: Lay Reader Team
Lay Readers read the first and second lessons from the Lectern. You may vest, process and sit in the Chancel or simply come up from your pew in the Nave. Lay reading is both an art and a skill that can be developed.
* There will be training for each of these lay ministries that will be fun, informative and ongoing.
Giving Made Easy
We are now accepting donations and pledge payments via the online platform Tithe.ly, click the Give button below to pay your pledge or make a donation.
- Tuesday 7/20: 5:00pm Disciple’s Dinner.
- Tuesday 7/20: No Centering Prayer until further notice.
- Thursday 7/22: 12:00pm Disciple’s Lunch.
- Sunday 7/25: 10:00am In-Person Morning Prayer.
Birthday Prayer
Watch over your servants Wayne, Bob and Chris O Lord as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their heart may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their live, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Anniversaries this week: None
Anniversary Prayer
Gracious God, we lift up your servants (N. and N.) to you in thanks for your love. Guide them as they grow and surround them with your grace, that they may walk close to you and to each other always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Parish Prayer List:
We are in the process of rebuilding the parish prayer list and we need your help. If you would like the name of a loved one placed on the parish prayer list and listed each week in the eNews please reply directly to this email. You may also call or text Fr. Jon at (434) 710-1933.
This week we pray for:
Drue Anderson, Geneva Myers, Marie McKenzie, Pei-Yi Ho & Epiphany (H1B Visa), Jesse Riley, and Todd Miller.