eNews For The Week of April 11, 2021
The second Sunday of Easter (April 11th):
Online only via Zoom at 10:00am EDT. This will be a Holy Eucharist service. Fr. Jon will preach & preside for this pre-recorded service but will be away that Sunday.
Beginning the third Sunday of Easter (April 18th) and following:
There may be in-person worship each Sunday at 10:00am EDT depending on the prevalence of the COVID-19 locally. There will be pre-recorded online worship on Zoom at 10:00am EDT each week. Details about how to attend either in-person or online will be posted weekly. We hope to be able to live-stream services soon.
Regathering Guidelines
At the direction of the Bishop’s Health Advisory panel we will return to the guidelines used last fall. Following are the highlights of what we all need to know for the foreseeable future:
- Based on the survey sent via the eNews list serve on March 15th we are near capacity for Palm Sunday and at capacity for Easter Sunday. If you did not respond to the survey please plan to participate via Zoom (details below).
- For those who did indicate they would attend on Easter Sunday come early! The service will begin at 10:00am and entry will be household by household, which means a line could form. Please be patient and maintain a minimum six foot distance as you wait to enter.
- Everyone must wear a mask (which cover mouth and nose) at all times.
- No bandanas or neck gaiters will be permitted.
- If you forget your mask one will be provided to you.
- A minimum of six feet (6’) of physical distance between individuals (not of the same household) must be maintained at all times while on church property and inside the building.
- Ushers will provide instruction and guidance. Please follow their instruction and guidance with grace and good humor.
- Entry and exit from the church will only be permitted through the doors on Main Street. No entry through the 115 Jefferson Street doors is permitted.
- The one exception will be for individuals who must use the elevator to access the Main Church floor (the 3rd floor).
- Attendance will be taken so that contact tracing can take place if the need arises.
- Each household will be seated by an usher. Please be aware that it may not be possible for us to sit in our preferred pews at this time.
- Once the service is over please wait in your seat to be dismissed by row so that you can continue to maintain physical distance.
For those who will not be able to be with us in-person this week you can join us Palm Sunday morning at 10:00am via Zoom for a pre-recorded service.
For now, if you need to come to the office please call ahead to be sure someone will be able to assist you. If you need to see or speak with Fr. Jon please call him directly at (434) 710-1933. Other members of the staff can be reached by calling (434) 792-4321.
Thank you for your patience and we will keep the parish updated via the eNews as we move back toward pre-pandemic operations.
Changes to Zoom worship “credentials” continue this week
In order to continue to do what we can to ensure that our Sunday morning worship on Zoom is not interfered with please remember the following:
- A password is now required to join Zoom worship instead of the “waiting room” feature.
- Each week there will be a new Meeting ID number & password.
- The weekly meeting credentials (ID# & password) will only be available via the MailChimp eNews email distribution and/or the bulletin.
- If you have been “logging on” by clicking the link in the eNews email you may not notice these changes.
- If you have been manually entering the details on your device or calling in on the phone you will need to adapt to these new weekly changes.
- Tuesday 4/13: 5:00pm Disciple’s Dinner
- Tuesday 4/13: 7:00pm Centering Prayer with Drue via Zoom
- Thursday 4/15: 12:00pm Disciple’s Lunch
- Sunday 4/18: 10:00am Holy Eucharist via Zoom
Birthdays this week: Whitney Webb (11th), Brooke Thomson (12th), Suzanne Miller (15th) and Angelia Mondul (15th)
Birthday Prayer
Watch over your servant(s) (Name) O Lord as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their hearts may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Anniversaries this week: None
Anniversary Prayer
Gracious God, we lift up your servants (Name) And (Name). to in thanks for your love. Guide them as they grow and surround them with your grace, that they may walk close to you and to each other always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Parish Prayer List:
We are in the process of rebuilding the parish prayer list and we need your help. If you would like the name of a loved one placed on the parish prayer list and listed each week in the eNews please reply directly to this email. You may also call or text Fr. Jon at (434) 710-1933.
This week we pray for:
Pei-Yi Ho & Epiphany (H1B Visa); Jesse Riley; Sally Gabe, Todd Miller and Sarah (and baby Nolan) Reed (relatives of Drue and Jon).