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eNews For The Week of April 10, 2022

04.10.22 | News | by Site Admin

     Holy Communion

    The Bishop's Health Advisory Panel and the Bishop have agreed that parishes may return to using the common cup at Holy Communion.

         Three things are required now:

    1. To remember (or in some cases learn) a maxim of Eucharistic theology - communion in one kind is a fully valid communion. In other words receiving the bread (or the wine) only is receiving communion, period. 
    2. Intinction is again permitted but must be done at a separate station that is for intinction only. This requires a second chalice bearer each week and at present we are not prepared to do that.
    3. For now parishes are to continue offering  World Communion Cups to those who would prefer them for a while longer.

    You can read the full article, Receiving Communion during the age of endemic COVID and the Bishop's message HERE.

    The Rev. Canon James Harlan, Canon Evangelist for the Diocese, led a daylong vestry retreat this past Saturday and then was our guest preacher on Sunday. Thank you Cn. James for being with us!

    Holy Week Schedule at Epiphany

    Sunday April 10th: Help setting up tables.

    We need a couple of strong individuals to stay briefly after church today to help set up tables for our Easter lilies that will be arriving on the 15th.

    Tuesday April 12th: 5:00pm Disciple’s Dinner.

    Wednesday April 13th: 12:00pm Easter Lilies Deadline.

    The deadline for submitting your dedication to Jennifer Hooper is Noon, Wednesday, April 13thEaster lily dedications must be received by 12:00 noon in order to be published in the Easter Sunday bulletin. The Easter lily signup sheet is available in the Narthex or you can fill out our online form by clicking HERE,to make a dedication, please indicate “in memory of”, “in honor of”, or “in thanksgiving for”.  Lilies are $14 each. Please make your check payable to Epiphany or you can pay by cash.  Place your payment in the offering plate on Sunday morning, mail it to the church or place it in our secure mailbox.

    Thursday April 14th: 12:00pm Disciple’s Lunch.

    Thursday April 14th: 6:00pm Maundy Thursday Agape Meal.

    We will provide a light Mediterranean inspired meal with salads, fruits, cheeses, breads, and crackers. Please RSVP to Laura Sadler by April 8th. You can text or call her at 434-770-8367 or email her at

    Thursday April 14th: 7:00pm In-Person Only Maundy Thursday Service.

    Friday April 15th: 5:30pm In-Person Only Good Friday Service.

    Saturday April 16th: 10:00am Decorating Epiphany for Easter.  

    After two years of pandemic, we are finally able to celebrate Easter in-person at Epiphany.  We would like to make this year special as we continue to return back to normal. Please join us Saturday, April 16th at 10:00am to help decorate the sanctuary for Easter. 

    Sunday April 17th: 10:00am Easter Sunday In-Person Holy Eucharist and via Zoom.

    Your Help Needed!!!

    As we return to in-person worship we need people to sign up to serve as Usher/Greeters and Coffee Hour hosts. We ask that everyone please take the survey in this weeks eNews so that we can build a scheduling/sign-up system using our database.

    Transportation Needed

    We are trying to find three or four more folks to help get Elise Smith to and from church each week. The idea is that each driver would take one Sunday per month. If you can help please call or text Laura Sadler at 434-770-8367 or email her at

    Free At-Home COVID Tests

    The Danville Health Department has at-home COVID test kits available for free.  The Health Department is located at 326 Taylor Drive, operating hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:45 pm. If you would like to call ahead or to get more information, please call them at 434-766-9828.

    New Parish Directory Now Available

    As mentioned at the Annual Meeting, a new parish directory is now ready.  If you are in the directory you can have a directory. Please email the church office at  to get your copy. 

    The directory is available in print or .pdf, please specify which you prefer.  Yes, you can have both. For those without email, phone calls work too. 

    Your print bulletin with be available in the Narthex with your name printed on the front cover.

    Breeze Database Reminder

    As previously announced, we are beginning to expand the use of the church database. As we do some of you will begin to receive automated email reminders about various ministries for which you have signed up. Please bear with us as we fine tune this module of the database. If you have questions please contact Fr. Jon or Jennifer Hooper.

    Altar Flower Information for 2022

    This year we have begun using the Breeze database to help organize and manage the Altar Flower sponsorship schedule. If you have signed up to sponsor the Altar flowers for a given Sunday you will receive three emails: the first three weeks before your Sunday; the second two weeks before your Sunday; and the third and final email one week before your Sunday.

    Signing up for a Sunday will continue to be through Nan Freed as it has been for many years (Thank you Nan!). Please call her at (434) 792-6261 if:

    1. You would like to sponsor an ‘open Sunday’ on the 2022 calendar below.
    2. You would like a date on the calendar in 2023.
    3. You would like an alternative date or are no longer able to sponsor the flowers on a date for which you are listed below.



    Birthdays this week: Whitney Webb (11th) and Suzanne Miller (15th).

    Birthday Prayer

    Watch over your servants Whitney and Suzanne O Lord as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their heart may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their live, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


    Anniversaries this week: None

    Anniversary Prayer

    Gracious God, we lift up your servants (N. and N.) to you in thanks for your love. Guide them as they grow and surround them with your grace, that they may walk close to you and to each other always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Parish Prayer List: Please complete the form in the weekly e-News by clicking the link  ”Submit A Prayer Request”. Once you complete the form you will receive an email confirmation of your entry and Fr. Jon will be notified via email. If you do not have access to do this online, as always you may call or text Fr. Jon at (434) 710-1933.

    This week we pray for: The repose of the soul of Todd Miller. May his soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. 

    This week we pray for: Deb Miller, Robert Haraway, Alwyn Jones, Marilyn Gunter, Dean Cumbo, Dawn Deshazor, Todd & Kim Kidd, Sherry Swift, The Chernoff Family, Jay Hopkins, Larry Foster, Alicia Deshazor & Family, Kevin, Cindy, Justine, Vicki Montgomery, Phil Hasselvander, Drue Anderson, and Trina Payne.