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Vestry Meeting Minutes

01.01.25 | Vestry Minutes | by Site Admin

    The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany
    Sunday, January 12, 2025
    Vestry Meeting Minutes


    Members in attendance: Rev. Alicia Alexis, Chris Adcock, Liz Everett, Suzanne Miller, Laura Sadler, Wanda Vaughan, Rose Beaver, Allen Riley, Millie Dunston, Keith Silverman, and Carole Holland. Marie McKenzie through Zoom. Others in attendance: Dillon Barnett and Evie Jackson.
    The meeting was called to order at 11:58 by Rev. Alicia, who noted a quorum was met, and then offered a prayer.


    Appointment of Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer and Registrar: Alicia suggested the following slate of officers: Suzanne Miller - Senior Warden; Carole Holland and Laura Sadler - Co-Junior Wardens; Evie Jackson - Treasurer; and Carole Holland - Registrar. M/S/A: Keith made a motion to accept the slate of officers. Liz seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was approved.


    Vestry Retreat: Suzanne reported that Saturday, February 1 we will hold our Vestry Retreat and information about the time and location will be communicated to vestry members soon. During the retreat we may hold a short vestry meeting to discuss urgent matters.


    Amendment to Agenda/Discussion of CD: Suzanne asked that an issue be added to our meeting agenda, which was agreed upon. Suzanne reported that one of our CD’s with Atlantic Union Bank will mature on January 23 and it is recommended that we roll this over for an additional three months at a 4.5% interest rate. M/S/A: Keith Silverman moved that we roll over our CD with AUB for three months. Millie seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was approved.


    Commissioning Service: Alicia reported that a Commissioning Service will be held on Sunday, January 19th. This service will include a prayer for vestry members who rolled off today as well as new vestry members, and she encouraged the past and new vestry members to attend.


    Vestry Assignment: Alicia distributed vestry notebooks, which included assignments for each vestry member. These assignments include Service, Worship, Education, Evangelism, Pastoral Care, Stewardship and Communication/Technology. She asked that members review the notebook, including the assignments and descriptions of duties. We will discuss these assignments during the Vestry Retreat. Suzanne asked members to review the Vestry Confidentiality Policy and Vestry Norms (found in the notebook), and to bring comments/suggestions about these forms to our Vestry Retreat. All members will be asked to sign both forms.


    Preparation for the Vestry Retreat: Alicia distributed and asked that new members read the Vestry Handbook Guide, The Vestry Handbook, and The Church Cracked Open, stressing that these books will help us work in unity as a vestry. As leaders of the church, we must act as leaders and be neutral - especially if there is a disagreement because that can be divisive, and we want to avoid divisiveness. If we have issues, we must communicate and work together to resolve them, within the vestry. Alicia reminded all that vestry meetings are open to the congregation.


    Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 10 at 5:30. Alicia stated we will strive to limit meetings to no longer than 90 minutes.


     There being no further business, after a closing prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 12:19 pm.


    Respectfully submitted,


    Carole Holland