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eNews For The Week of May 30, 2021

05.30.21 | News | by Site Admin


    eNews For The Week of May 30, 2021

    Bulletin for This Sunday

    Trinity Sunday & Memorial Day

    There will be in-person worship on Sunday, May 30th, at 10:00am EDT in the Nave. We hope you’ll be able to join us in-person this week.

    For those who continue to be unable to attend in-person there will be live-streamed online worship via Zoom at 10:00am EDT.


    Memorial Day

    A Prayer for Memorial Day
    By the Rt. Rev. James B. Magness (retired Bishop Suffragan for the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries)

    Lord God Almighty, whose only Son sought not to preserve his life, but to make the ultimate sacrifice so that we might have abundant life, we remember this day the personal sacrifices made by many of our fellow citizens in the service of their country. On this day we pause, however briefly, to remember and recall those who gave the last measure of their lives for their faith, their country and their fellow compatriots in arms. The record of their courage is in the hands of history and the vestige of their lives is at rest in our memories. Grant that we and all the citizens of this land may have the grace to honor their good deeds as in righteousness we strive for peace among all the people of God’s creation. Remembering their sacrifice, we rededicate ourselves to the tradition of courage that you, our Lord, have instilled in us. Give us a deep sense of reverence for life that is tempered by a passionate desire for justice. Continue in us the valor of those who have woven this tradition into the fabric of our country. This we pray in the name of the one God who creates, redeems and sustains. Amen.

    Covid-19 Safety Protocols for Sunday, May 30th. *

    For this Sunday, May 30th the following guidelines are to be followed:


    • If you are fully vaccinated ** you may attend without wearing a mask. For those who so choose please sit on the right side (Pulpit side). Those wearing masks may also sit on this side with the understanding that you will be sitting with others who will be unmasked.


    • The left side (Lectern side) will continue to be for those who prefer to wear a mask. On this side please continue to follow previous distancing guidelines.


    • Singing is now permitted. But if you choose to sing you must wear a mask. In other words, if you choose not to wear a mask but do wish to sing you must wear a mask while singing.


    • Holy Communion will continue to be distributed as before using the World Communion Cups.

    * Please know that changes may need to be made ‘on the fly’ on any given Sunday morning. So please be patient, flexible and of good cheer as we all venture back toward a new post-pandemic normal.

    ** At this time vaccination status will be on the honor system. But if you have not yet been fully vaccinated please wear a mask to help ensure the health and safety of others who, while fully vaccinated and masked, may still be especially vulnerable.

    Thank you!

    Lay Ministry Sign-up Sheets
    As mentioned at last Sunday’s Annual Meeting we are in the process of rebuilding certain lay ministries and beginning a couple of new ones. Below are brief descriptions of each ministry along with links (highlighted in blue) to each online sign-up sheets.

    Usher/Greeters will ‘usher’ as they have in the past but also be asked to be purposeful greeters too. Greeting pays particular attention to warmly welcoming visitors. Greeters offer extra assistance that may be needed by visitors in order to enjoy a positive first experience. Greeters also seek contact info so that Epiphany can follow-up with those who visit Epiphany. To be sure, many of Epiphany’s ushers do these things naturally already. We only seek to be more purposeful about this important first impression. *  
    Usher / Greeter Team

    Lay Readers read the first and second lessons from the Lectern.  They may vest, process and sit in the Chancel or come up from a pew in the Nave.   Lay Reader Team

    Pastoral Care Team members will be assigned a small group of parish members and agree to call one of these people each week on behalf of the parish. The purpose of the call is to be a personal point of contact, check-in with them, and then to be sure the Rector is aware of any areas of pastoral concern. There will be a great deal more information for everyone about this important new ministry as the team is built. *  Pastoral Care Team

    Newcomer Team members will follow-up with visitors who attend more than once, express an interest in attending Epiphany on a regular basis and/or may be interested in becoming a member. Newcomer Team

    * There will be training scheduled for all of these ministries so that you may better understand the philosophy, practicalities and expectations of each. 

    Altar Flower Openings
    We have several available dates during the Summer months

    June 6th & June 27th
    July 11th & July 18th
    August 1st & August 29th

    If you are interested in providing flowers for any of these available dates, please contact Nan Freed 434-792-6261 or Jennifer Hooper at 434-792-4321 ext. 3.

    Dear Church,

    I thought you might like to see what it takes to live-stream a Sunday morning service at Epiphany. As you can see in the photo there’s allot going on. To say that one (in this case Jennifer Hooper) must be able to multi-task very specialized and finicky technology is an understatement.  

    There are four monitors.

    1. The monitor on the far left shows the video ‘feed’ coming directly from the PTZ camera. This is where the image coming from the camera is ‘monitored’ to ensure it is functioning properly.
    2. The monitor just below that is Jennifer’s personal iPad which participates in the Zoom live-stream just as you do so she can see/hear what you see/hear.
    3. The monitor in the middle is the laptop that takes the separate video and audio feeds and combines them together using highly specialized software. The laptop is also the point from which the video and audio are uploaded to Zoom.
    4. The monitor on the far right allows Jennifer to see more at one time than is possible on the laptop screen alone. (If I’ve counted correctly there are six programs running at the same time, each of which controls some aspect of the live-stream.)

    You might also notice a mouse, headphones and a little red rectangular box (lower right).  The red box is connected directly to our now quite old sound system and makes it possible to feed the audio signal into the other hardware and software.

    Many parishes use similar setups with two people to operate them. Thank you Jennifer for your technical know how, grit, determination, calmness when things go haywire and most of all your willingness to take this on.

    Jon+ P.S. There are also at least two ‘dongles’ in the configuration.


    The parish office is open! 

    Office hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:00am - 2:00pm. The new phone system is now up and running smoothly. During office hours there is a phone in the lobby if you need to reach a staff member. The card to the right of the phone provides the details you’ll need. (see the photo) As always please feel free to call  Fr. Jon  anytime at  (434) 710-1933.

    New extension numbers are listed below.
    Fr. Jon Anderson ext. 6
    Pei-Yi Ho ext. 5
    Kylie Miller ext. 4
    Jennifer Hooper ext. 3

    2021 Pledge Envelopes: Pledge envelopes continue to be available for pick up in the Narthex on Sunday mornings.

     Hymn Friday

    Here is the next installment of Cameron Grimes’ Hymn Friday project. You can find all of his recordings on his Facebook Page and his YouTubePageEnjoy!

    Changes to Zoom worship “credentials” continue this week

    In order to continue to do what we can to ensure that our Sunday morning worship on Zoom is not interfered with please remember the following:

    • password is now required to join Zoom worship instead of the “waiting room” feature.
    • Each week there will be a new Meeting ID number & password.
    • The weekly meeting credentials (ID# & password) will only be available via the MailChimp eNews email distribution and/or the bulletin.
    • If you have been “logging on” by clicking the link in the eNews email you may not notice these changes.
    • If you have been manually entering the details on your device or calling in on the phone you will need to adapt to these new weekly changes.

    This Week At Epiphany
    • Monday 5/31: The church office will be CLOSED in observance of Memorial Day.
    • Tuesday 6/1: 5:00pm Disciple’s Dinner.
    • Tuesday 6/1: NO Centering Prayer with Drue this week.
    • Thursday 6/3: 12:00pm Disciple’s Lunch.
    • Sunday 6/6: 10:00am Holy Eucharist In-Person and via Zoom.
    Details for all Zoom events can be found HERE
    Birthdays this week: Justin Mondul (31st), Nancy Oakes (2nd), Joe Milam (3rd) and Webb Maddux (5th).  

    Birthday Prayer
    Watch over your servants Justin, Nancy, Joe and Webb O Lord as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their heart may your peace which passes understanding abide all the days of their live, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Anniversaries this week: Brett & Evie Jackson (5/31)
    Anniversary Prayer
    Gracious God, we lift up your servants Brett & Evie to you in thanks for your love. Guide them as they grow and surround them with your grace, that they may walk close to you and to each other always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Parish Prayer List:
    We are in the process of rebuilding the parish prayer list and we need your help. If you would like the name of a loved one placed on the parish prayer list and listed each week in the eNews please reply directly to this email. You may also call or text Fr. Jon at (434) 710-1933.

    This week we pray for:
    Ken Stokes, Geneva Myers, Marie McKenzie, Pei-Yi Ho & Epiphany (H1B Visa), Jesse Riley, Todd Miller and Nolan Reed.